目前分類:MySQL (8)

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[root@localhost ~]#mysqladmin --user=root create cacti

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For this exercise, we will use the mysqldump utility the same as if we were 


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For every database, you should set the root or sa passwords to something other than the default, unless you want to get hacked. For mysql, the system administrator user is called root. You will use the mysqladmin utility from a command line to set the new password. Notice that there are two commands to be run.


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There are many reasons you would want to restore a database from a backup file… But you should also test this on a test server just to make sure that your database backups are working correctly. Here’s the syntax:

mysql -h hostname -u username -pthepassword databasename < dumpfile.sql

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Backing up your database is a very important system administration task, and should generally be run from a cron job at scheduled intervals. We will use the mysqldump utility included with mysql to dump the contents of the database to a text file that can be easily re-imported.

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Automatically Purge MySQL Master Log
My Friend Andre Hartawan is troubling due to his mysql server at work stop operating. After quick check he found that no more disk space available on the system. Further check on /var partition he found many replication log file on disk which no longer needed but have big size (100MB). He can easily purge the logs file but wanted the server due it chores automatically. So here it’s I share my script (autopurgebinlog.sh) to purge replication logbin automatically.

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