
The Linux download for NetFlow Analyzer is available as a BIN file at

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賽門鐵克 技術支援電話
Tel : 00801861032

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Configure Cisco switch telnet login and password

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This documents the procedure for performing a password recovery on a Cisco 2950 switch (and probably other models, as well).

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Ports that Cisco ACS Listens on 

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1. 調整時區
rm /etc/localtime

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Configuring the Softflowd NetFlow Exporter

Softflowd is a software-only NetFlow exporter. You can use it to gather NetFlow traffic statistics if you don't have NetFlow-compatible routers or switches. Softflowd listens to traffic on an interface, and exports NetFlow v5 & v9 flow records to a program like InterMapper Flows.

Softflowd is open source software available from It runs on Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X, but you must have a compiler and development environment to compile it from the source code. If you wish to run a software exporter on Windows, you should take a look at nProbe.

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